Full Product Details
1. Wall Hangings
These individual crafted hangings are inspired by the collected items I find in nature such as driftwood, shells and bark pieces along with beautiful organic wool that is sourced from Tasmania. Hangings can also include crystal pieces.
Each hanging is unique and made with caring thought for its new owner.
A beautiful gift to receive.
2. Hand Blown Glass Bottles
Glass blowing is an ancient technique dating back to the 1st century BC. The technique consists of inflating molten glass with a blowpipe to form a sort of glass bubble that can be moulded into glassware for practical or artistic purposes.
Each piece is unique and like a jewel. Having watched the pieces being handblown by a master craftsman who I discovered while travelling interstate, I was fortunate enough to be invited to his workshop and select pieces to take home with me.
I would love to share these beautiful pieces with others who also resonate with their beauty.